“The Clientele ITSM portal has been so easy to configure in the web environment that it hasn’t presented us with any challenges, even though we don’t have a background in IT. Therefore, I can highly recommend using Clientele ITSM.”

“The Clientele ITSM portal has been so easy to configure in the web environment that it hasn’t presented us with any challenges, even though we don’t have a background in IT. Therefore, I can highly recommend using Clientele ITSM.”
“The people at Mproof really delivered. They were able to quickly get to the bottom of our complex organization. After some thorough analysis, they’ve offered us the right solutions for our complex IT processes. We can build upon those for the years to come.”
“I recommend other companies to start doing business with Mproof, because they will quickly find a solution for any complex Service Management situation. With their capacity, quality and knowledge, Mproof can help any company achieve its goals.”
“During the projects that Mproof took on in our organization, I noticed how their consultants were constantly trying to help us achieve our goals, instead of upselling their services. I would wholeheartedly recommend the Health Check to other companies.”
“I’m very satisfied with Mproof’s customer service, because of their knowledge and constant involvement. It really struck me that at Mproof, the customer plays the most important role, in spite of the complex situation my company was in, at the time. That’s why I definitely recommend Mproof to others.”
“At the time, we started off as a new organization and we had to redecorate all processes. Fortunately, the experts at Mproof had done this many times before, so with their help, this wasn’t cumbersome at all.”
“Clientele ITSM is the best sofware solution for many processes. For example: it is perfectly fit for ITIL-based environments. You should definitely check this out.”
“We were immediately impressed with Clientele, especially because we were looking for a comprehensive tool that would fullfill the needs of six different departments.”
“Clientele ITSM is useful in many situations and in many different environments. In ITIL- and ISM-based environments for example. If your organization uses any of those, Clientele ITSM really is a must-have.”
“We have decided to log all our incidents and calls within Clientele ITSM, for maximum convenience. Meanwhile, Mproof helps us with streamlining our processes and procedures. So far, everything works great.”
“At the start of each school year, the questions and problems from students result in a pike of at least 1700 calls per week. Thanks to Mproof’s involvement, this isn’t so much of a problem anymore.”
Read all about the opinions of other Mproof customers. At Mproof, our customers – and their customers – are valued above all else. Everyday, we do our utmost best to assist our customers in streamlining and improving their Service Management processes. We achieve satisfying results time and again by using a smart blend of intelligent software, dedicated consultants and efficient workflows.
Your opinion is crucial to us. It helps us improve our services and solutions even more. That’s because good is never good enough for us. Please take a moment and tell us where we shine and where we need to do better. And don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We’d love to hear from you. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
+31 70 5117006